Mission Statement

So what’s this all about? Basically it’s an attempt to answer that question I get every Follow Friday. Who are all these people and why should I be following them? Here in this page I’ll be telling you exactly that, letting you know who these Tweeps are and why they’re worth your time to follow. This is 100% free but if anyone wants to contribute the button is over there.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Account: actionchick

Name: Katrina Hill



Interviews, Reviews, Movies, TV, Geek, Action, Video Games, Comic Books

Links: Twitter, Action Flick Chick

Proof that hot girls love action. Katrina Hill, aka The Action Flick Chick is G4’s reigning woman of the web. Her website, Action Flick Chick reviews the latest in action entertainment, movies, TV et al. She also has loads of interviews and spoilers.

Choice Tweets:

ugh, need a palate cleanser for the brain

I'll often click Home over & over until someone interesting catches my eye. I like to see what people who aren't talking to me are saying.

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