Mission Statement

So what’s this all about? Basically it’s an attempt to answer that question I get every Follow Friday. Who are all these people and why should I be following them? Here in this page I’ll be telling you exactly that, letting you know who these Tweeps are and why they’re worth your time to follow. This is 100% free but if anyone wants to contribute the button is over there.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Account: KageyNYC

Name: Kim Garland

Hell’s Kitchen, NYC


Screenwriting, Scriptchat, Script Reader

Links: Twitter, Kim Garland My Life in Media Res

Kim is a screenwriting student and reader for a Production Company in NYC. She’s also one of the co-founders of Scriptchat, part of the “treefort” that includes Jeanne Bowerman, Zac Sanford and Mina Zaher. Her blog is about, what else, screenwriting where she offers some valuable tips as well as sharing some of her own journey.

Choice Tweets:

Not writing is the leading cause of being a failed writer. #dailymantra #scriptchat

I liked it but it's no NETWORK! :-P #scriptchat

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