Mission Statement

So what’s this all about? Basically it’s an attempt to answer that question I get every Follow Friday. Who are all these people and why should I be following them? Here in this page I’ll be telling you exactly that, letting you know who these Tweeps are and why they’re worth your time to follow. This is 100% free but if anyone wants to contribute the button is over there.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Account: PeterHoare

Name: Peter Hoare

Location: Long Island


Interests: Screenwriting,


Peter has written screenplays several screenplays. Killing John Stamos, Mascot: The Epic Journey Of Bobby Woodward, Stalking Is A Contact Sport, 1973 Was A Great Year For Uncle Bruce our some of his works. He lives in Long Island and is enjoying like as he scales the peaks of screenwriting success.

Choice Tweets:

Do enough people go to theme parks alone to warrant this line's existence? It may as well be called "the child molester line".

Holy Moly! I just won something! http://www.trackingb.com/ The TV pilot I wrote won their TV contest! So damn psyched. Wooohoooo.

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